Dan-Cristian Dabija is a Professor and PhD Supervisor in Marketing at Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania. He has led research projects on sustainability and COVID-19 resilience in retail, financed by the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation. He has published more than 100 papers in internationally acknowledged journals, and serves as an Associate or Guest Editor for Amfiteatru Economic, Kybernetes, Journal of International Management, European Journal of International Management, Sustainability, Information, and for Romanian and European research projects.
The book To conceive, to write and to publish a scientific article in business and economics, which he co-authored, was awarded the first book prize of the Romanian Association of Economic Faculties (2017) and the “Victor Slăvescu“ Prize of the Romanian Academy of Science (2019). He was also awarded the Publons “Excellent Reviewers“ Award (2018) and the “Top Reviewers in Economics and Business“, and the 2020 MDPI Top Reviewer Award (2021).
Keynote speech summary: Faced with multiple media scandals concerning the pollution resulted from manufacturing activities, but also due to encouraging overconsumption of clothing, international fast fashion retailers had to resort more and more often to the elaboration and implementation of sustainable strategies aimed at environmental protection and at reducing resource consumption. Generating customer satisfaction and loyalty depends increasingly more on the extent to which retailers manage to employ socio-environmental responsibility besides the traditional retail store attributes. Dan-Cristian will elaborate on the influence of consumer-oriented store attributes in generating store satisfaction and loyalty towards the fast fashion store, identifying key differences between consumers from generation X, Y, and Z.