Holding a doctorate in Economics since 2003, Cristina Barna is an Associate Lecturer at the Faculty of Management from SNSPA, where she teaches Social Entrepreneurship. She has extensive expertise in Social Economy, having worked as an international expert and consultant in this field with the World Bank Group, and the European Commission. Between 2012 and 2014, she was a member of GECES Group – European Commission Expert Group (Social Business), as an academic & think-thank representative. She is a member of CIRIEC (International Centre of Research and Information on the Public, Social and Cooperative Economy) – International Scientific Commission – Social Economy since 2012. She is affiliated to the Center for the Study of Responsible Organizations from SNSPA, where she conducts research on the connection between the Social Economy and the Circular Economy, and the advancement of new business models.
She is the track chair of the session Business Models for the Future: Circular Economy, Social Economy, & Collaborative Economy