Moderator: Nathalie Lorrain

In the first part of the session, Nathalie Lorrain proposes a short overview of cross-cultural management’s research from the 1970s to the 2020s. Participants will observe the need to rethink the way we approach intercultural management in the light of a cross-breeding society. Consequently, Professor Lorrain will introduce the 5C (consulting, consciousness, comprehension, competency, conduct) approach to achieving the intercultural agility needed in the 21st century. This approach has been tested with students and company employees for over twenty years. In the second part, a reference framework of intercultural skills will be detailed. This framework will enable attendees to identify areas for progress or work for certain people. The reference framework is made up of three pillars: cognitive skills, personal skills and social skills. In conclusion, Professor Lorrain will present why and how the intercultural manager must become an inclusive manager, able to manage the aspects of diversity, equity and inclusion. The participants are invited afterwards to join the discussion, in a roundtable format.