2015 Edition

Strategica. Local versus Global

Bucharest, October 29-30, 2015


The third edition of the Strategica International Conference focused in 2015 on the Local versus Global dynamics from a myriad of standpoints: Business, Economics, Finance, Banking, Management, Leadership, Marketing and Ethics.

Globalization and the new social and economic patterns have profoundly influenced the way managers and leaders approach their businesses. Staying and thinking locally have become a menace for the organization survival in a dynamic global arena. The economic drivers and the profit goals have pushed the organization out of its domestic environment and placed it in the middle of the global trends. In this light, thinking and acting globally is no longer seen as an imperative for the development of corporations or large enterprises, but as an adaptive exigency for small and medium organizations whose management has to assume a global mindset. Hereby, going beyond the national borders and beyond the cultural differences is a prerequisite of staying in the game.

The 2015 Edition was  a great opportunity for interdisciplinary discussions and debates on the varied suitable ways for businesses, financial and public institutions, governments and nonprofit organizations to approach the new environmental conditions, to make the most of their resources and competitive advantages taking into account both the local context as well as the international framework. More than 150 participants from over 15 countries presented their most recent research in nine tracks. The conference included also a CSR Practitioners’ Workshop.

STRATEGICA 2015 Agenda

Strategica 2015 participants





Proceedings: Brătianu, C., Zbuchea, A., Pînzaru, F., Vătămănescu, E.-M. and Leon, R.D. (eds.) 2015. Strategica. Local versus Global. Bucharest: Tritonic (ISBN 978-606-749-054-1, ISSN 2392-702X)

Contents of the Proceedings of Strategica 2015

The proceedings can be viewed here.