Theme: Preparing for Tomorrow, Today
The 2020 edition of Strategica (October 15-16, 2020) was a special one. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference was online. It was attended by over 150 participants from the following countries: Romania, US, Brazil, Maroc, Letonia, Switzerland, Germany, Poland, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Lithuania, and Russia.
The conference agenda is available here.
The proceedings of the conference: Bratianu, C., Zbuchea, A., Anghel, F., & Hrib, B. (Eds.). Strategica. Preparing for Tomorrow, Today, Bucharest, RO: Tritonic (ISBN 978-606-749-508-9; ISSN 2734 – 746X & ISSN-L 2734 – 746X)
The volume can be downloaded from here.
Keynote speakers
Jacques Le Cacheux – Professor, Sciences Po Paris, Stanford, Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées & Université de Pau France, ex-Director and Main Researcher OFCE Paris
Keynote speech: Covid and Green Deal: Can the EU institutions deliver?
Myriam Sidibe – Honorary Professor of the Practice at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; Senior Fellow at the Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government at the Harvard Kennedy School
Keynote speech: It Pays to be Good – What does it take to be a world changing brand?
Lucian Anghel – CEO Banca Romaneasca and Associate Professor, Faculty of Management – National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA)
Keynote speech: Rethinking the Unthinkable
Round Tables
Social Economy coping with the COVID-19 crisis
Panelists and topics of debate
Ancuța Vameșu (The Laboratory for Solidarity, Romania): Cooperatives and Work Integration Social Enterprises
Anna Burtea (Inimă de Copil Foundation, Romania): Inimă de Copil Foundation (Galați) responding to the challenges of COVID
Adina Rebeleanu (Babes-Bolyai University, Romania): The COVID-19 Crisis from the Perspective of the social services providers in Cluj Region, Romania
Asteris Huliaras (Universoty of Peloppnesse, Greece): Social Economy and the new EU Recovery Fund
Gabriela Pop (Asociația Împreună pentru ei, Romania): Together for Them Association (Baia Mare) responding to the challenges of COVID
Simona Stănescu (ICCV – Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romania): Setting up Priorities of Social Entrepreneurs in a Post-COVID 19 Agenda
Witold Mandrysz (University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland): The COVID-19 Crisis from the Perspective of Social Economy Entities in Silesia Region, Poland
Additional information/ Moderators
Cristina Barna – Pro Global Science Association, Romania / cristina.barna@facultateademanagement.ro
Alexandra Zbuchea – Faculty of Management, SNSPA, Romania / alexandra.zbuchea@facultateademanagement.ro
The round table is organized by the Centre of Research for Responsible Organizations from the Faculty of Management, SNSPA.
The Business world during the COVID-19 pandemic
Invited speakers
Claudiu Vrinceanu, Founder and Mentor, VP Connections
Ciprian Susanu, CEO Dare Digital
Carmen Chiotea, Marketing Manager Sanador
Additional information/ Moderator
Florina PINZARU– Faculty of Management, SNSPA, Romania / florina.pinzaru@facultateademanagement.ro
The round table is organized by the Center for Research in Management from the Faculty of Management, SNSPA.