Patrizia Gazzola
Patrizia Gazzola is Associated Professor of Management, Business Combination and Business Planning at the Department of Economics, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy. She is Member of the Scientific Board of: the Research Center on Ethics in Business and Corporate Social Responsibility (CREARES); the International Study Centre for Smart Organizations Management and Smart Territory Valorization (SMARTER), and the Business Systems Laboratory (BSLab). She is member of the Research Center “Communal Economy of Cities” of the OM. Beketov National University of Urban Economy and of the System Dynamics, Italian Chapter (SYDIC). She is member of SIDREA/AIDEA. She is also an International experts in the Regional Development Center dell’OM. Beketov National University of Urban Economy of Kharkiv, Ukraine. She is a member of scientific board of several journals and member of Scientific Committee of international conferences. She conducts research in Strategy, Corporate Social Responsibility, in Sustainability Reports, in Sustainable Development, in Financial Statement, in Systems Theory. She writes articles and books about Accounting, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development.
She is the track chair of the session Business Ethics and CSR