Clara Volintiru is the Director of the Black Sea Trust (BST) of the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF). Before joining the BST she was the Director of the New Economy and Society Program at the Aspen Institute of Romania, and a consultant for international organizations such as the World Bank, European Commission, Eurofound, and Committee of the Regions. Her work covered the European Union, the Transatlantic space, but also Western Balkans, Eastern Partnership and the Southern Neighbourhood of the EU. She is a Professor of International Political Economy at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE), and her recent publications appeared with Oxford University Press, Palgrave, Routledge, Springer, and in peer-reviewed journals such as Journal of European Public Policy, European Political Science Review, Acta Politica, CESifo Economic Studies, European Politics and Society, Eastern European Politics, European Political Science, or Research & Politics. Synthetic versions of her work are available in video abstracts or such online platforms as Forbes, EUROPP, IPI Global Observatory, Emerging Europe, Global Policy, Social Europe, Huffington Post and on the GMF website.
October 24, 2024