Cristina Mihai

Cristina Mihai has been working for the Research Council of Norway for more than 10 years. In her
current position, she is responsible for the Council’s project portfolio within social science in energy
research. She is also working with the cooperation between Norway and Romania in the field of
research (EEA and Norway Grants) together with UEFISCDI.

She holds an MSc in Political Economy from BI Norwegian School of Management and one of her areas
of interest is the “revival of the public sector.” Cristina truly believes in Mazzucato’s view of the
entrepreneurial State as an innovator taking risks in many areas of the public sphere. Through her presentation, she will try to argue that innovation and science can move forward only if the State

prepares the ground through massive investment. Examples from government strategies, action plans, and other public documents from Norway show how the country builds strong institutions that
attract research and development from both the public and private sectors.

Perspectives on sustainability: Norway and Romania in focus

The UN development goals are tools and motivators for the whole world to take action for a better
future. Their aim to end poverty and protect the planet while leaving no one behind is meant to
transform our way of living by changing our way of thinking. What is the status, and are we on the
right path to achieving the goals?
In my presentation, I will try to bring perspectives on sustainability, focusing on Norway and Romania.
I will touch upon new reports on the status of some goals and then zoom in on these two
countries for comparison.
My aim is to bring the audience to the complex area of sustainability with many contradictory
interests and strategies. I will argue that governments are key actors on our way and that knowledge
and research are something that unites countries in their quest for sustainability. I will try to answer
questions like: What about citizens and their role in the transition? And are our democracies able to
handle the crises we are facing?