Jacek Woźniak, Ph.D. – doctor of social sciences in the discipline of management and quality. Employed at the Institute of Organization and Management of the Military University of Technology in Warsaw, where for 11 years he has been conducting research and teaching, among others in the field of risk management, safety and efficiency in organizations, innovation management, IT tools in modern organizations, as well as process-based approach to management. Author or co-author of several scientific monographs and textbooks in the field of safety and risk management in organizations, project and innovation management, as well as several dozen scientific articles. Deputy editor-in-chief of the scientific quarterly “Modern Management Systems”. He serves as a reviewer for: Sustainability, Kybernetes, Energies, Administrative Sciences, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, Future Internet, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Processes, as well as Publications. Vice-President of the Warsaw branch of the Society of Organization and Management.
He is co-track chair of the session Innovations and Organizational Resilience